Industry Lanes | Architectus

UNISA Enterprise Hub | Swanbury Penglase

The adaptive reuse and revitalisation of the local heritage listed former warehouse at 9 Light Square, Adelaide accommodates the collected research and industry outreach enterprises of the University of South Australia.
Following the discovery that the building was of the earliest remaining intact reinforced concrete buildings in South Australia, the core design principle for its transformation has been to recognise and celebrate that structure while undertaking minimal change to the original fabric.
By housing the Universitys Enterprise Hub, the buildings life has been sustained and recent tangible moments of the buildings history also revealed, including the repurposed brass birdcage from the nightclub entry to frame a new collaboration space.
This project has given a previously dilapidated building a new use where the recognition and revealing of its history has provided a new level of richness to its occupants and the community.
The Peacock Centre | Xsquared Architects

In 2016, North Hobart’s Peacock Centre was significantly damaged by arson.
After substantial investigation, Xsquared Architects established that it would be possible to restore it to its original condition.
The restoration, ‘rising from the ashes’, reflects a parallel vision for a new service model for people with mental health issues in accordance with the world standard Trieste Model of mental health care.
A second devastating arson fire occurred on 24 December 2021 that consumed large parts of the completed work as well as causing significant additional damage. A very large part of the restoration work that had been completed had to be carried out for a second time, and the setback had a massive psychological impact on everyone working on the project.
Notwithstanding, the Peacock Centre has been successfully reinstated as a notable feature of the North Hobart urban environment.
North Melbourne Primary School (Molesworth Street Campus) | ARM Architecture

The North Melbourne Primary School Molesworth Street Campus is a new $55million vertical school for 525 students, with a 66child kindergarten on the top level. It contains 21 classrooms, specialist learning spaces, a library, gymnasium, and a unique music/performing arts hub. Positioned as a benchmark project for future vertical schools in Victoria and interstate, its design responds to complex site challenges, ensuring accessibility and functionality. Collaborative efforts with specialists, lessons learned from various primary schools, and ongoing client engagement underline the project’s holistic approach. The school’s cultural significance extends beyond academia, encouraging community integration through a wellconceived social organisation model. With significant sustainability considerations and a commitment to 21st century learning, North Melbourne Primary School Molesworth Street Campus sets a new standard for educational spaces.
Maitland Administration Centre | Maitland City Council, BVN, PTW and EJE

The new Maitland Administration Centre is a key new civic element that reinforces a connection to Maitland’s past. The project incorporates and celebrates a number of significant buildings from different eras, dominated by the 1890 Town Hall.
The heart of the project is the new grand lobby. Its public nature is important in connecting the office, performance and civic functions of the facility. The lobby cleverly navigates design and heritage issues allowing future relevance of key community areas such as the Town Hall and Council Chambers.
The new Administration component responds to its context and recognises its importance in the civic and cultural life of the community and representing the ideas of permanence and presence. The design utilises a masonry screen wrap to address massing and materials.
The new building seeks to create a dynamic workplace and reinvigorated public facility with a high level of amenity for staff and visitors.
Bond Store and Watergate Wall – TMAG | Purcell Architecture

The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) comprises a collection of contemporary and historic structures, including the rare and intact Bond Store, and adjacent Watergate Wall. The conservation of these 200-year-old buildings was essential due to recent weather damage and ongoing deterioration.
Purcell, known for their expertise in retrofit, creative reuse, repair, and conservation, were engaged as the Heritage Architect to re-render and re-roof the Bond Store to its original state and stabilise and rerender the Watergate Wall at the sites entrance. Following extensive archival research and fabric analysis, Purcell and the wider team identified the structural and fabric matters compromising the integrity of the significant features. Rectifying these issues and using traditional materials and techniques returns both environmental and social benefit for the community.
This project revitalized a crucial historical site, strengthening the bond between Tasmania’s heritage and its community, while enriching educational opportunities and enhancing the visitor experience.
Maitland Administration Centre | Maitland City Council, BVN, PTW and EJE
Maitland’s High Street streetscape is characterised by a series of grand buildings. The new Maitland Administration Centre, as a key new civic element reinforces a connection to Maitland’s past. The elevation of the site is an eclectic mix of buildings of different eras, dominated by the 1890 Town Hall. The proposal knits together this mix of buildings through:
• A simple building form that is broken down into vertical elements of contextual relevance
• Making the Administration component a solid, masonry, grounded building that recognises its importance in the civic and cultural life of the community and representing the ideas of permanence and presence
• Use of a masonry screen wrap to address massing and materials, to define the entry and to frame the small public forecourt
The new building seeks to create a dynamic workplace and reinvigorated public facility with a high level of amenity for staff and visitors.
St. Mary’s Catholic College – Hugh O’Brien Centre | Clarke and Prince Pty Ltd

Southern Remand Centre | Xsquared Architects with Guymer Bailey Architects

Coopers Stadium | Woods Bagot