Queensland Regional Refuel

The Australian Institute of Architects experienced education team offers our Refuel Provider Network assistance with developing educational content that suits an architectural audience and meets formal continuing professional development (CPD) requirements.

Members of the Refuel CPD Network deliver CPD content to the profession. 

In Queensland, we support the Refuel Provider Network’s CPD delivery to the Queensland regions by organising a time and place for the Refuel CPD delivery. The Refuel Provider then delivers the CPD either in-person or through webinar. The curation of the Refuel Providers into this Queensland program has been done in collaboration with the regional chairs for our Queensland regions and is tailored to the desires of each regional area, to best cater to the local CPD needs of our members.

Please find the planned sessions by clicking the tiles below, which are organised according to regional area. Note that some sessions are available as webinars, and as such, can be attended from anywhere.

Additionally, a there are many more Refuel CPD courses on offer via the Refuel Provider Library. Please follow the instructions to engage any of the Refuel Providers for CPD delivery to your practice. 

Participation in recognised activities will accrue formal or informal points.

For questions about this program, please contact QLD@architecture.com.au

Taubmans PPG is the Premier Partner of the Queensland Chapter CPD Program.

Contact us

Queensland Chapter
Australian Institute of Architects

2/270 Montague Road
West End, QLD, 4101

P: +61 7 3828 4100
E: qld@architecture.com.au

Office hours: 9.00am – 5.00pm



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