Construction Industry Statement


Prepared in conjunction with the Association of Consulting Architects

The design and construction sector in South Australia is under pressure.  The past two years has created a challenging environment in which to deliver construction projects.  Materials and skills shortages and cost increases have impacted forward planning and required significant rethinking of projects to meet cost and program objectives made unrealizable by rapidly changing conditions.  This inevitably leads to a loss of quality and value – a poor outcome given that buildings should be enduring community assets. 

The high-pressure environment resulting from unrealistic expectations in the face of evolving conditions is also affecting people across the sector.  Mental health impacts and burnout are leading to the loss of skilled workers, placing additional pressure on those who remain.

Whichever party wins the State election has a responsibility to the South Australians to consider how best to meet the long-term needs of the community.  Government should consider the future value provided through the creation of quality, targeted social infrastructure, as well as the economic stimulus and employment provided through construction projects to deliver a balanced and targeted response to the needs of South Australians. Development of critical supply chains to develop and retain skills within the State and future proof the construction sector also needs to be prioritized to enable the sector to deliver maximum benefit.

South Australia has a long tradition of investment in quality social housing, education, and other community infrastructure.  South Australia is also a leader in green power generation and sustainably initiatives.  These precedents form a strong basis for managed stimulation of the economy and strategic investment in quality infrastructure, providing a strong foundation for future growth and valued outcomes for the State.  

We call on the new government to form a reference group including key portfolios, training bodies and design and construction peak bodies to develop a clear plan for quality construction outcomes for the people of South Australia.

For media enquiries, contact:

Nicolette Di Lernia
Executive Director 
Australian Institute of Architects – SA Chapter
P. + 61 (8) 8402 5911 | M. +61 (0) 438 805701

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