Aboriginal Cultural Competency Standards: Self-assessment process for community housing providers
This document was produced by Origin Communications Australia and published in 2016. It was developed for the Community Housing sector, the NSW Federation of Housing Associations and the NSW Department of Family and Community Services as part of the Community Housing for Aboriginal People Strategy. It outlines the Self-Assessment Process for Community Housing Providers to follow regarding Aboriginal Cultural Literacy Standards.
Aboriginal Cultural Values: An Approach for Engaging with Country
A document providing an approach for engaging with Country, community and culture, as part of planning, design and environmental management disciplines. Included is an overview of a process for developing a masterplan framework for caring for Country. This written document is directed towards planners, environmental managers, architects, designers, engineers, public servants, developers and decisionmakers who are directly affecting Country through their work.
Connecting with Country Framework
Connecting with Country is a framework for developing connections with Country to inform the planning, design, and delivery of built environment projects in NSW. The document has been written by and with Aboriginal experts in spatial design in collaboration with Government Architects NSW staff. It is an evolving document reflecting an increasing body of knowledge and practice.
Cultural Principles and Protocols for Designers: for projects or curricula involving Indigenous peoples, communities and materials
A written document with cultural principles and protocols for designers, architects and planners, and those working in related industries proposing to work with Indigenous peoples and communities. These are also relevant for academic design staff intending to incorporate Indigenous cultural content into their curricula. This document was originally published in 2017 and republished in 2021.
Designing with Country
Designing with Country is a part of the Connecting with Country Framework. It involves taking a Country-centred approach with spatial design opportunities that improve the functional design of projects and reinforce a connection with Country.