Village21 Preston Pilot | NH Architecture
39% of young people leaving care become homeless in the first year after they turn 18. Village 21 is designed to interrupt this cycle by providing young people with stable accommodation and support for up to three years. This pilot project located in Preston was delivered through a partnership between Kids Under Cover and Anglicare Victoria.
The architectural solution is modular and highly replicable, designed so it can be easily delivered to suit the diverse needs of a range of priority groups, such as young Aboriginal people. The site is arranged as a series of monopitched houses orientated to resemble a village with communal spaces at the centre.
Solid timber details highlight the openings and provide amenity through seating, canopies and privacy screening. These elements add warmth, and human scale, balancing privacy, daylight penetration, and possibilities for social interactions, whilst outlining the thresholds between the public and private spaces.