National Registration Framework update from ACA and the Institute

Following our initial response to the proposed National Registration Framework (NRF), the Australian Institute of Architects and the Association of Consulting Architects have welcomed the opportunity to meet jointly with the Building Confidence Report (BCR) implementation team to make further comment for consideration.

In re-iterating our earlier submission, we strongly recommended greater distinction between architects and building designers to ensure there is no room for confusion about the competency of each of these occupations. We also reinforced concerns raised with the level of PI insurance and the amendment of descriptions within the project management category to better reflect the role of an architect, particularly in contract administration. The BCR implementation team are currently working through these issues with a view to refining and enhancing the NRF. Once the NRF is finalised, it will be presented to the Board of the Australian Building Codes Board for its consideration and then to the Building Ministers’ Forum for endorsement.

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