Acumen October 2023 update

Learning. Engaging. Knowing. Our Acumen notes continue to provide knowledge and engagement to all levels of the profession, from students to experienced practitioners. In this update, view some of our recently updated notes covering topics such as social media, Australian Standards contracts and proprietary companies, and a new note on Performance Solutions.

If you have missed an update via e-news or social media, recent new and significantly updated content can be found via the Acumen home page where you can also view our most popular notes. We welcome your feedback.

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New notepack

This notepack includes notes that reflect or have been updated to reflect the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022. This collection of notes should be considered as an initial guide to assist practitioners in navigating a number of topics relevant to the NCC 2022. It is not exhaustive and will be updated as more notes become available.

New notes

Updated notes

Acumen notes are regularly reviewed and updated. The following updated notes include new/revised material or resources:

Navigating the Acumen Practice Notes

See these refreshed introductory videos that will guide you around the key features of the Acumen Practice Notes:

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