TAKE 2: Housing Design in Indigenous Australia

Te Ara Kotahi (Our Māori Strategy) is a published document by Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency with purpose of working with Māori and other agencies to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. Te Ara Kotahi provides an overarching strategic framework combined with cultural context, land management and legislation.

Everyone’s Knowledge in Country: Yurlendj-nganjin

Published in 2021, this book offers insight into Australian Indigenous Peoples’ perspectives on the built environment. It features Indigenous voices from across Australia, along with several pre-eminent non-Indigenous practitioner voices, the book discusses the value of Indigenous Knowledge Systems in the Australian built environment and landscapes. A resource for all academics, students and practitioners in the built environment sector both within Australia and internationally.

Indigenous Knowledge in The Built Environment: A Guide for Tertiary Educators

The document is a guide for tertiary educators regarding Indigenous knowledge in the built environment. Published by the Australian Department of Education and Training (DET) in 2018, The Guide is intended as a teaching and learning resource kit for built environment (architecture, landscape architecture, planning) academics, students and professional practitioners. The Guide offers assistance regarding initial protocols and resources that they need to heed, be mindful of, and have available to them.

Indigenous Planning & Design Principles

Indigenous Planning and Design Principles were developed by the University of Manitoba collaboratively under the guidance of an Indigenous advisory committee and subcommittee. The principles were established to guide planning and design on all university lands and campuses. These principles are rooted in interdependence, an Indigenous way of being and recognises that all components of a place are linked in complex ways.

Campus to Country Strategy for QUT

Campus to Country: Positioning Strategy is a written document by the Queensland University of Technology published in 2020. It is a strategy that outlines the importance of connecting to Country and provides guidelines for planning and designing culturally sensitive buildings, spaces and places that reflect local context and respond to the current needs of the campus community.

Campuses on Countries Design Framework

Campuses on Countries is a written document featuring an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Design Framework at The University of Queensland. The document was published by the University of Queensland in 2021 to serve as a guide for architects, designers, project managers and construction staff in all future projects.

Campuses on Countries Engagement Report

The written document is an Engagement Report for the Campuses on Countries: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Design Framework. The document was published by the University of Queensland in 2021. It provides a report overview, insight into the engagement process and findings, campus context and recommendations.

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