Victorian Heart Hospital | Conrad Gargett + Wardle

Victorian Heart Hospital | Conrad Gargett + Wardle | Photographer: Peter Bennetts

2023 National Architecture Awards Program

Victorian Heart Hospital | Conrad Gargett + Wardle

Traditional Land Owners


Public Architecture
The Dimity Reed Melbourne Prize (VIC)
John Holland
Peter Bennetts
Project summary

The Victorian Heart Hospital (VHH) is the southern hemisphere’s first dedicated cardiac hospital, a place for clinical care, cutting edge research, treatment and education of the next generation of health professionals. The architecture, interiors, facility and clinical planning consider the impact of the built environment on the health and wellness of all users and has been guided by strong clinical and patient voices. The hospital is a valuable place within the university campus and wider community with its capacity to save and change lives.

The VHH is a building for people, a place of work and treatment – the design contributes to the wellbeing of patients, clinicians and staff and aids patient recovery through its spatial qualities, amenity and materiality. Natural light permeates through the building, with the open central courtyard providing a landscaped space for viewing and occupying, it imparts the visual relief of nature which is evident throughout.

Victorian Architecture Awards Accolades
Shortlist – Public Architecture
Victorian Jury Presentation
Project Consultant and Construction Team

AECOM, Civil Consultant
AECOM, ESD Consultant
AECOM, Quantity Surveyor
AECOM, Services Consultant
AECOM, Structural Engineer
Architecture and Access, Access Consultant
Aspect Studios, Landscape Consultant
ID Lab, Wayfinding
McKenzie Group (design side), Building Surveyor
One Mile Grid, Traffic Consultant
PSNK Aeronautical Services, Helipad Consultant
Radiation Services Consulting, Radiation Shielding Consultant
Taylors, Land Surveyor
Urbis, Town Planner
UT, AV Consultant

Connect with Conrad Gargett + Wardle
Victorian Heart Hospital | Conrad Gargett + Wardle | Photographer: Peter Bennetts

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