Hotel Mottainai | COX Architecture

Hotel Mottainai | COX Architecture | Photographer: Jakub Beseda

2023 National Architecture Awards Program

Hotel Mottainai | COX Architecture

Traditional Land Owners
Ngunnawal People

Australian Capital Territory

Small Project Architecture
Shape Australia
Alex James
Jakub Beseda
Project summary

Hotel Mottainai calls attention to an empty space in an age of homelessness and escalating house prices.

Recycling in an age of excess. Art in an age of disconnection. All powered by the strength of community mobilisation.

ACT Architecture Awards Accolades
Commendation for Small Project Architecture
ACT Jury Citation

Mottainai – a Japanese word that describes a feeling of regret when something of value is wasted.

Hotel Mottainai is an art gallery designed as a pop-up hotel room inserted into an unused office building in Canberra’s CBD. It is an immersive experience, fitted out in donated and recycled materials.

The Jury was impressed by the polemical approach to design in the community and the architects’ ability to successfully negotiate the regulatory restrictions that often suppresses innovation in adaptive reuse.

Hotel Mottainai calls attention to an empty space in an age of homelessness and escalating house prices.

Recycling in an age of excess. Art in an age of disconnection. All powered by the strength of community mobilisation.

Project Practice Team

Ronan Moss, Design Architect

Project Consultant and Construction Team

360 Degree Fire, Fire consultant
Ambius, Indoor Plants
Badgery & Rafferty, Legal consultant
BCA Certifiers, Certifier
Bentspoke, Financial support
Canberra Town Planning, Town Planner
Capital Advisory, Financial consultant
Electra, Cabling Consultant
HTI Grouop, Developer
Lightbulb studio, Photography services
Ronbo Glass, Glazier
Screenmakers, Screen consultant
Stylecraft, Supplier of commercial furniture
The Plumbing Pope, Plumbing consultant
YWCA, Charity Partner

Connect with COX Architecture
Hotel Mottainai | COX Architecture | Photographer: Jakub Beseda

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