Bowral House | Luke Moloney Architecture

Bowral House | Luke Moloney Architecture | Photographer: Tom Ferguson

2024 National Architecture Awards Program

Bowral House | Luke Moloney Architecture

Traditional Land Owners
Gundungarra and Tharawal People

New South Wales

Interior Architecture
Residential Architecture – Houses (Alterations and Additions)
Steve Findlay
Project summary

Alterations and additions to a cottage in Bowral. A house designed with reference to the landsccape, so that a modern building feels like an abstract extension of place.

I love the roofline. It’s like a butterfly. The extension unfolds before you. I can sit back and look up at the sky or northeast to the Gib [Mt Gibraltar] with its gum trees gripping the hill. In winter, this space really comes into its own, with the sun coming in and washing the brick walls. And in summer, we open it all up and garden and house become one. It’s amazing.

Connect with Luke Moloney Architecture
Bowral House | Luke Moloney Architecture | Photographer: Tom Ferguson

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