Mid Century Remastered | Equinox Architecture (company registration pending)

This mid-century residence, initially designed by Ken Woolley and Pettit & Sevitt architects in 1965, undergoes a transformative and considered renovation. The architects embrace a conceptual framework focused on sympathetic and respectful design and adaptive re–use, all underpinned by environmentally sustainable principles. The approach respects the original mid–century design, seamlessly blending old and new elements, while incorporating environmentally sustainable design (ESD) principles. The project not only safeguards the architectural heritage of Hughes but also contributes to community pride and identity.

The design cleverly integrates the existing structure, utilizing flitch beams for the structural spans, balancing aesthetics and functionality. This collaborative design effort involves diverse disciplines, fostering creativity and delivering cost–effective solutions. The adaptive re–use strategy, combined with sustainable practices, results in financial value for the client and reducing the project’s carbon footprint. The renovation not only preserves architectural history but enhances the cultural vibrancy and aesthetic richness of the public domain.

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