Tweed Shire Council Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan

This written document is the Tweed Shire Council Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan. It includes an acknowledgement of Traditional Custodians and a Statement of Commitment to people, culture and Country. The document also includes a breakdown of the Aboriginal Heritage Management aims, plans, recommendations and community consultation.

Lowes Creek Maryland Structure Plan

Lowes Creek Maryland is a new precinct planned for Sydney’s South West Growth Area. The Department of Planning and Environment, in collaboration with Camden Council, prepared the precinct plan for Lowes Creek Maryland, a guide for the precinct’s creation. It provides significant Aboriginal Cultural heritage and European heritage protections and outlines infrastructure for future communities to thrive.

National Indigenous Housing Guide

The National Indigenous Housing Guide is a written document from the Australian Government Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. It is a resource for everybody involved in providing housing to Indigenous people. It is a guide for improving the living environment, health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It provides practical information to assist in the design, construction and maintenance of housing.

National Indigenous Infrastructure Guide

The National Indigenous Infrastructure Guide is a written document from the Australian Government Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. The Guide was written to assist people who are working with infrastructure in Indigenous communities. It provides an integrated framework for understanding major infrastructure provision issues for remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Gurra Gurra Framework 2020-2026

The Gurra Gurra Framework 2020–2026 is designed to help The Department of Environment and Science (DES) work in genuine partnership with Queensland’s First Nations people to achieve stronger outcomes for Country and people. It is a framework that has been developed with input from across the department and co-designed with external First Nations leaders in Queensland, to identify and formalise the structure required for change. It works to continue connection to culture and place through better governance and management of Country.

Aboriginal Cultural Competency Standards: Self-assessment process for community housing providers

This document was produced by Origin Communications Australia and published in 2016. It was developed for the Community Housing sector, the NSW Federation of Housing Associations and the NSW Department of Family and Community Services as part of the Community Housing for Aboriginal People Strategy. It outlines the Self-Assessment Process for Community Housing Providers to follow regarding Aboriginal Cultural Literacy Standards.

Connecting with Country Framework

Connecting with Country is a framework for developing connections with Country to inform the planning, design, and delivery of built environment projects in NSW. The document has been written by and with Aboriginal experts in spatial design in collaboration with Government Architects NSW staff. It is an evolving document reflecting an increasing body of knowledge and practice.

Designing with Country

Designing with Country is a part of the Connecting with Country Framework. It involves taking a Country-centred approach with spatial design opportunities that improve the functional design of projects and reinforce a connection with Country.

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