Ask First A guide to respecting Indigenous heritage places and values
Ask First is a written document published by the Australian Heritage Commission. It is a guide for land developers, land users and managers, cultural heritage professionals and others who may have an impact on Indigenous heritage. It features a framework concerning Indigenous heritage and conservation that includes the involvement and consultation of Indigenous Peoples.
Campuses on Countries Engagement Report
The written document is an Engagement Report for the Campuses on Countries: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Design Framework. The document was published by the University of Queensland in 2021. It provides a report overview, insight into the engagement process and findings, campus context and recommendations.
Connecting with Country Framework
Connecting with Country is a framework for developing connections with Country to inform the planning, design, and delivery of built environment projects in NSW. The document has been written by and with Aboriginal experts in spatial design in collaboration with Government Architects NSW staff. It is an evolving document reflecting an increasing body of knowledge and practice.