Govetts Leap Bach | Anderson Architecture

Govetts Leap Bach | Anderson Architecture | Photographer: Nick Bowers

2024 National Architecture Awards Program

Govetts Leap Bach | Anderson Architecture

Traditional Land Owners
Dharug and Gundungurra

New South Wales

COLORBOND® Award for Steel Architecture
EmAGN Project Award
Residential Architecture – Houses (New)
Sustainable Architecture
Northcote Constructions
Nick Bowers Damien Milan
Project summary

Govetts Leap Bach is representative of the synthesis of sustainable principles and technologies, and striking architectural character, informed not only by an awareness of the environmental sustainability and performance of the building fabric, but of the necessity for the spaces within to perform and endure over time. It demonstrates that passive design principles such as solar passive design remain valuable strategies alongside those more technocentric.

A single residential dwelling located in the Blue Mountains of NSW, Govetts Leap Bach has been designed with passive and Passivhaus principles front of mind. At 81sqm floor space, it is a compact home that responds to the duality of its context its situation on a residential block and its bushland setting. The overall design and materiality of the home speak to this duality, addressing its BAL 40 and BALFZ requirements and the wide range of climatic conditions experienced in the Mountains, whilst balancing amenity with privacy.

Our home holds us in a gentle embrace temperature, textures and functionality just work. Private, yet open, to the bush country we are in and surrounded by. We feel one with our natural environment and connected to our community.

The house has no wasted space, and we feel so comfortable in each of the rooms and the whole space. It was essential to create an energy efficient home that was kind to the environment, fossil fuel free. This home is beyond that gorgeous, easy to live in, wonderful to abide in.

Project Consultant and Construction Team

Ascent Structural Consulting Pty Ltd and Taylor Consulting Civil & Structural Engineers, Structural Engineer
Liz Kavanagh, Interior Decorator

Connect with Anderson Architecture
Govetts Leap Bach | Anderson Architecture | Photographer: Nick Bowers

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