Farewell from Queensland’s Practice Committee Chair of 18 years

I was introduced to the Institute about 20 years ago and thrust into the Practice Committee straight away as a final year student by my boss at the time, and President of the Institute, Wayne Petrie. It wasn’t really an option nor a ‘would you like to join’, it was a ‘come along lad’, sort of deal. So off I went and I haven’t looked back.

If I look at it this way, it’s the longest time I have worked or belonged in any one place. As the years have gone by it’s become part of my routine. Have I shaped or influenced the Institute or anyone along the way, I really don’t know – I hope so. Has the Institute shaped me, my thoughts and understanding about all facets of architecture and beyond… most definitely.

The Practice Committee and the Institute as a whole has been really good to me and I thank them for the opportunities I have been given. The Practice Committee is a jack of all trades collective that brings together the vast knowledge and experience from small practice to large, education, and most recently having members of other bodies such as councils adding to the powerhouse.

The connection we have with the other important committees in the Institute such as Regional Affairs, Sustainability, Education and NAWG enable us all to collate on a monthly basis the issues, resolutions and general communications back into Chapter Council, which in turn then are discussed nationally. Without the individuals who volunteer their time on these committees, I can assure you the outcomes and the industry in general would be a different place.

After much deliberation and soul searching, I felt after 18 years it was time to finally hand over the reigns as chair. I have had mixed feelings since announcing this, but I am reassured knowing that Paul Jones has accepted the role and will carry forth the mantel.

Part of the role as chair comes also with a seat on the National Practice Committee that convene monthly, where collective state topics are discussed and actioned, which further broadens the commitment, knowledge and ability to be part of the bigger conquest. I shall be remaining on the committee for at least the short term and hopefully assist in a smooth transition with Paul.

I would like to extend a massive thank you to all those members that have sat on the committee, committed their time and assisting me when I was struggling or out of my depth and mostly putting up with me over the years.


Shawn Godwin FRAIA


Shawn Godwin, FRAIA

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